Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013 In Review

Well, another year has gone by just as quickly as it came. Time just running away and for 2013 it is almost literal in a sense. Another Christmas where half my family is gone so I am not pressed in the least bit to go out and venture into this bitching cold to fraternize. Less bothered by it than I was last time this happened. I guess because I really understand the purpose of this holiday. Giving gifts and just being with family. Not so much about getting them cuz all I got for Christmas was from 1B. By no means is it a complaint. I didnt really want anything. Regarding that, dope as hell to go to bed and wake up on Christmas day with someone you care up. Even if it means they jump up and down in bed and sing a song made up as they go along to do so.

This past year has been enjoyable. Start to finish. More highs than lows and many miles in between. Two half marathons, a full marathon, a new job, contacts again, purchasing of kicks  and some other little things that made the year totally memorable.

So, that brings us to 2014. The only thing i have on my list is to read at least one book a month so Ill have to get back to you on that.

2013 was the year to flourish. Imma just have to make 2014 a repeat.

Monday, November 25, 2013

I confess

Annmarie told me bout this earlier today at work and I figured I'd try it. A list of confessions. With that being said:

I confess...

I love love and love to love but not so sure if I'll ever have said feeling reciprocated.

I like getting gifts but birthday benedictions from people I least expect it from or acknowledgements in general make me happy.

I find great solace in running as well as "solitude" when just sitting around in public places. (Union Square)

I kinda resent catching feelings for people. I hate that I become vulnerable.

I fear being a bad parent more than being a parent in general.

To me, hugs are magical and can make even the worst times feel a little better.

Most of the times I don't try things because I genuinely don't care for it. Other times I'm just scared of the outcome.

Not sure if I want to be an engineer anymore.

I cross my arms across my chest like a pharaoh on occasion if I'm sleeping on my back.

I like to drink from containers instead of pouring a glass.

My relationship with my family is interesting. I love them but I prefer to minimize my social outings with them.

I admire my sister for going after what she wants to do in life.

Hearing certain relatives eat or talk prompt me to immediately drown them out with music. I find it annoying.

I don't think I'm a good sibling.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Autumn Catch Up

Another night with not shit to do. Not that that's abnormal. It's Friday. I don't go out on Friday unless I have an earnest desire to do so or I made plans, which is far and few inbetween. My weekend will be as dry as crix considering 1- no need to train because my running season is over and 2- people I usually hang with are occupado for the weekend. So, that leaves me to entertain myself. Meaning, wake up late, go run, and whatever the hell else that falls in between.

Border line feeling lost since Chicago. Like, no motivation to do much of anything. Running far less intense regarding speed and distance. Still rocking with BR and all but I cut back. Registered for Nike DC Half, hopefully i get chose. I suppose I should mention how Chi went. Well, actually. First full marathon 3:33:15. Boston Qualifier. I have hit every running goal that I set. On to bigger things. So needless to say, 2014 Imma be going ape shit.  Race race race. Nike Nike Nike.

In less entertaining news, work is ok I guess. There's a shark in the water and I'm not here for any remake of JAWS so I'll be sure to get my shit together upon hitting a year at my present place of employment.

In the realm of my social life... yeah, dont really have one. Running kinda killed that and I COULD go out and drink but I dont drink anymore so you see where this is headed. Nowhere, and fast.

My personal life... man.... there arent enough words to quite express what i call my personal life. Maybe another time.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

$#!+ Just Got Real


Labor Day weekend I made the grande mistake of drinking too much. I know, I know. But its LDW. Libations all around AND I'm west indian. You gotta cut me some slack. No? Ok. Fine. Whatever.

So I barely ran last week due to an unfortunate event. No worries, all is well. As mentioned last week I got in a solid 17.2 miles. Boom. Carry on as usual with my normal running M.O. Calendar comes creeping into my gmail inbox late Monday night. Read read read. Click on the attached file pertaining to my event.. Lo and behold, my training calendar. (Click to Enlarge)

Pardon the accent but...


I didn't know whether I should be excited that my race is approaching or be depressed that my social life was just blown to smithereens. 

Run run run run run. I'm learning the importance of sleep at this point in training. Them long runs are LONG and my weekdays wont be that pleasant being that I'm returning back to my M-F 9-6 schedule. Work fatigue + running fatigue. <sarcasm> Makes for a great combination </sarcasm>

But honestly, I'm geeked. It lets me know how far I've come. How much I have to go. How hard I've worked. I'm so proud of myself I can't quite verbalize. I'm completing a bucket list item in 6 weeks. And thanks to the support of my friends and family I couldn't be happier.

And the countdown begins...

Friday, August 30, 2013

Are we there yet? No? Ok...

That's what goes through my head with these runs. Today a timed run of 2 hours and 45 minutes. I figured I'd hit 17 miles judging from last week's pace. Planned a route as exciting as it could be. 

Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, & back to Brooklyn. One word: Tiring

It's super hard to run/ plan routes knowing that not many places are unfamiliar and taking the risk of running new territory can be a hit or miss because it can be super crappy for pedestrians. Taking a chance of running in Queens is big enough a challenge on the regular with their retarded streets, much less running through it to get to the county of Kings. Major Meh. But it got done. I took a small break at 5 Pointz to take a few pics. Thanks to Bridge Runners I actually learned about this spot. Lookie!

So I start.. run run run run.. fuel at 5.5.... run some more.... refuel at 11. 5. I didnt realize that i had run another 6. Yes, it sounds completely asinine not realizing that. If you run or ran as much as I did, you kinda zone out and suddenly you look at your watch and be like holy crap. 11 miles.. better refuel. Ok- maybe I should be putting gas in the tank earlier but honestly, I feel ok.  Hitting mile 13 feels like tee-rash. Let's just blame that on the fact i ran half a marathon and I have another half to go when I know I'd rather be (insert much more pleasant less strenuous activity). But funnily enough before I hit 14 i was back on the good foot (no pun intended) and kept trucking. 

The last 3 were seemingly a blur as I readjusted my route on the way back home for sake of convenience. I was able to accomplish *drumroll*

17.2 Miles

I expect my legs to just flip me the bird via middle toe and walk away. I was tired, and tight. But I felt accomplished having run my longest distance yet.  Stretch. Buy a bag of ice. Sit in tub for 15. Ice baths are (un)welcomed but after this run I really just did it in a natural flow of movements. No hesitation getting into the tub either. Pretty dope.

In other news,

Fundraising ensues.. Ill post on that later because I dont feel like typing more. 

7 MORE WEEKS. We are getting there folks. We are getting there. 

Til next run


Saturday, August 24, 2013

And I run.. I run so far away

Blogging live from Union Square. A couple of years ago there (like 2 literally) it was a struggle to get some wifi but I have full bars and a girl is chillin. Bought a bottle of water and 3 cupcakes. And my mac is at 91 %. Life is good. Can't really complain. 

More than halfway through training. Distance increasing every week, partially to my dismay but it's pretty exciting to be able to run these distances and not pass out. Granted I have been making sure I do what I need to do so that that doesn't happen including hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, adequate sleep and fuel before and during my run. It's hard, I won't lie. I am pushing my upper limits of distance. The most I have ever ran was 17 miles and I am getting up there now. Pretty excited. At the same time my dream of finishing sub 4 hours for the marathon is a little intimidating. Honestly hoping that my 9:23 pace increases at the race instead of staying where it is now. Only time will tell...

I will say this about these upper levels of distance running. Monotony makes it so damn difficult.  I started switching up my running routes so I aint losing my mind. Which is fine, because we all know that a major part of running distance is mental. That part is fine. My legs tho... dear lord... I catch winds at odd miles like 7 and 11 but generally speaking, after 13 my legs feel like at any minute they may just walk away from me. Needless to say ice baths might just become a weekly thing. 

Anyhow, training continues. Yall be well. Dont forget to donate.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Finishing a Half, Preparing for a Full

As it is Memorial Day, I would like to take the time to say thank you to those who serve and have served this great nation. you are appreciated. 

Back to business as usual, my blog and random musings

So,  I have a second half marathon notch on my belt as I ran the Brooklyn Half Marathon a little over a week ago. I never thought that I would run one much less two within 2 months of each other. I knew that running the NYC Half was going to whet my running appetite. The course was decent.. Most challenging part being the park itself, approaching the highway and squeezing fitty lem people on  like a 10 foot wide path which was just dumb in it's entirety. But I finished!

And  I PRed!

Shaved off a good 5 minites and change as my last half was 1:44:32. Considering I fell the evening before bruising my hands and hit my hip in the process I wasn't so sure how well I would perform but look at gawd!

So I decided to be lazy again and went out for my first run the Tuesday after my race. Bucked up into the team for pre season practice. Light and easy my behind. My body is by no means adjusted to any form of calisthenics so those squats and them planks had me sore. But I welcome that sort of thing. Anyway, it felt good to be with my team again and although that fundraising aspect is a bit of le blows, it will get done.

Here's to accomplishing goals and some good ass sleep I'm bout to put down.